Friday Nights
On Friday nights, weather permitting, the Observatory is open to the public from 7:00PM. For a modest fee, residents and visitors alike can view the wonders of the night sky through the telescope. On a typical night, one or two planets and several deep-sky objects are observed.
Educational Outreach
On other evenings during the week, school groups make periodic visits to the Observatory. Children learn about the science of astronomy, and take turns viewing a variety of interesting celestial objects through the telescope.
Community Outreach
Boy Scouts, Girl Guides and Brownies, as well as church and other community groups tour the Observatory throughout the year. They also learn about astronomy and take turns viewing through the telescope.
Courses In Astronomy
From time to time, the Society conducts evening courses in astronomy, covering topics such as: The History of Astronomy, The Solar System, Celestial Navigation, Telescopes and Optics, and Observing the Night Sky.
School Visit Programme
At various times during the school year, volunteer members of the Society visit both primary and secondary schools to provide instruction in astronomy. Topics covered include the Solar System with particular emphasis on the Earth-Moon System and Observing the Night Sky.
International Astronomy Day
Each April or May, the Society organizes a programme of free and educational activities for all ages as part of International Astronomy Day.